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Friday, October 8, 2010


Webforinstant is your easy solution

Webforinstant designed to give easy way to user especially who do not have skills in programming and other technical to create a website.

Webforinstant designed to manage your website very quick and easy with extraordinary output like programmer and world professional web designer.

Webforinstant have 3 product package, Silver, Gold and Platinum

silver gold platinum

each package can be seen on specification table below :

Main Fiture




Domain Name
.com, .net, .org, .info, .biz)
centang centang centang
Space Hosting
Capacity for your domain
100 Mb 500 Mb 1000 Mb
Quota Bandwidth
Total data that been transferred from and to your site every month
1 Gb 5 Gb 10 Gb
Email Account
Your email address is your domain name such as info@mydomain.com
3 10 Unlimited
with Paypal account or Credit Card


Web Engine

C2MS Lite

Web Engine based on Ajax developed using web2.0 concept, with its feature: fast site acceleration, admin user interface designed for non-technical person, web components (like design, header, content) can be customize with your need.


C2MS Liquid

Web Engine based on Flash give you easy way to editing content, friendly search engine and with hundred professional web templates.

C2MS Cart

Ready to use Web application to build online store. Easy to use by user with non programmer background.

CMS Joomla

Hosting Package without C2MS installation. If you choose this package, you only get space hosting with no C2MS installed inside. Only Open Source CMS available.


CMS Wordpress

Hosting package with C2MS installation. If you choose this package, you get space hosting with C2MS installed inside, but also you can choose using one of Open Source CMS that we provide.



How can I have a website?

You confuse find solution have a website? If yes, webforinstant can answer it by giving you easy way in one card.

There is few things you must prepare first like domain name, web hosting, web design, web engine and content management system. You can imagine how busy and take your time to prepare all that, and time is important just like people say "Time is money". Now you don´t have to worry to have a website as your 24 hour non-stop communication media and business promotion media. Webforinstant answer is by 5 easy steps.

satu Fill personal data like name, address, phone number and email
dua Choose domain name you want or represent your business name
tiga Install web engine like C2MS Lite and C2MS Liquid
empat Choose website design that support website information
lima Edit website content like change image and text 
domain domain domain



Webforinstant what services to offer?

Can I register domain name than .com, .net, .org?

Of course you can. Other than domain name, webforinstant give domain name like .biz, .info and Indonesia domain (.id) such as .co.id, .net.id, .or.id, .ac.id, .sch.id, .mil.id.

What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting or usually called Hosting is a place to put data that need by website so it can be access by user that visit your website through internet connection.

what is web design from webforinstant offer ?

With custom web design, you will get professional website quality and accordance with your need. We create this fast, fun, easy and low cost. Either you looking something modern and simple or something elegant and classic, we provide all that for you.


C2MS Lite

It´s easy to renew and maintenance website without error on HTML code. Faster to do change on your website. For web designer, it means you saving more your money and time to maintenance your client website.

C2MS Liquid

C2MS Liquid offer unique with impressive flash template. Our website template "excite & inspire". Our main goal is to make customer site look interesting and interactive. 


Custome Site

Create a design website with design graphic package and design system that synchronise with company image or product in creating online shoping, web Portfolio, Web Catalogue, Web News/article and etc.

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